We Must Counter The Great Reset With The Great Rejection.

The “Great Reset” is a war of manipulation, now being pushed aggressively by the global elite, for enslaving the global community. The main thrust of the Great Reset is to remove the individual freedoms and liberties of ignorant mortals, and replace them with the ideals and wisdom of the elect. Mask mandates, and other behavior modification tactics, are designed to suppress society, to make people confused and dependent, and to view rulers as all-powerful.

Without a cooperating population, this economic and religious reform cannot succeed. And, they will do whatever it takes to make the population cooperate. Their main weapon right now is fear. Abandoning their grasp for uninhibited world power through fear-mongering with the vague climate change narrative, the global elite have now latched upon “public safety” and “global health crisis”, through the supposed immediate threat of almost sudden death through an invisible virus, to force the world to accept enslavement. The supposed mutation of Covid-19 proves that we should expect endless virus mutations, requiring endless vaccinations, and endless acts of government tyranny- all aimed at breaking national independence of the global community.

The global elite also rely heavily on censorship, and the propaganda of silence, by the media and big tech. And they use bullying tactics by their politician, and activist, puppets. The new normal is slavery. These power-crazed mad-men already consider the world population to be nothing more than an asset, and wish to have total control over this asset. We have seen many hostile steps in this direction during the coronavirus pandemic. If politicians demand you wear a mask, but do not do it themselves, they are declaring themselves your master, and you their slave. If they declare forced lock-downs, but do not themselves obey them, you are a slave. If they take away your right to earn a living, while continuing to write themselves a paycheck, you are a slave. If they tell you that you simply no longer have any freedoms and liberties, beyond what they choose to allow, you are a slave. The Great Reset, like the Covid-response, is all about control. (See also- 10 Reasons Covid-19 is a Socialist Takeover)

Censorship by big tech, and the media, is their declaration that freedom of speech applies only when promoting the programs and ideals of the elite. That’s why they demand acceptance of their ideals, and try so hard to silence all opposing views. We should never shut up. Never. Never. Never.

In order to have total control over everyone on earth, the global elite cannot simply give orders and expect everyone to fully obey. They must have the ability to know who we are and what we are doing. To further this agenda, the Great Reset intends to transform the world into a digital cashless society. There has been a great push through Covid-19 to transfer power from small face-to-face businesses, to digital organizations (crush small business, promote online business).

In this era of “woke capitalism”, leftist corporate executives see their most important function as using corporate resources to promote left-wing social causes. Added to this, the elite despise small business, but promote large corporations which are poised to become official government suppliers, and fellow monopoly titans. This is why political dictators have been methodically destroying small business. The corporate giants strengthen global tyranny, but small business weakens it. We should try, as much as possible, to confine transactions to small businesses. Americans need to stand up for other Americans, and not fund the empires of global tyrants intent on destroying the free world.

The first step we should take, is to exit the world of big tech. It seems to me that the main purpose of Google, Windows, Facebook, etc. is to spy on you and track you everywhere you go. Google has been labeled “the most aggressive spying tool ever invented”, and apparently wants to be connected to every room in your house so they can know when your lights are on and how your thermostat is set. Using the services of big-tech actually funds their attack against us. There are Godly alternatives to any and all of the big-tech services we use. We should immediately boycott, and exit, every big-tech service we use.

Anything you can do to ensure privacy, is a slap in the face to the global elite. If they can’t monitor you, they only have limited control over you. Dump your Bill Gates OS for one of the many free open-source Linux alternatives, many of which can be run side-by-side your present OS if you are still hesitant. Don’t use big tech browsers, search engines, email providers, etc. There are many open-source alternatives that don’t grow insanely rich from spying on you. Change your computer settings for more privacy. Regularly erase your computer cache and cookies. Privacy is an attack against the elite.

They love plastic money. It tracks you wherever you go. In the resistance against the global elite, cash is king. Non-traceable transactions should be the norm. Anything we can do to be less visible, is an assault against the elite.

Because the Great Reset is created and enforced by mad-men and lunatics (which, naturally, consider themselves geniuses), it is destined to collapse upon itself. But, while short-lived (Revelation 17:10-11), it will create ideal conditions for the Antichrist to come to global power, and for the Beast-kingdom to flourish.

(See also- Will the “Great Reset” Initiate the Beast-kingdom of the Antichrist?)