Americans Should Actually Embrace Censorship. No, Really.

OK, since my blog got downgraded (basically banned), apparently for Russian “disinformation” and gun-violence “disinformation”, I got to thinking, maybe this censorship thing is actually good for Americans. After all, we need to quit living in the 1960’s, when free speech was actually a thing. Maybe it’s time we just grew up. So, in an effort to make amends for my wicked ways, and to prove myself worthy of re-indoctrination, I decided to point out the positive side of censorship.

Now, I know you’re probably thinking, “No, No. Censorship is evil!” But, hear me out, and I will show you the foreseen benefits of truth being censored, and maybe of Big-tech’s benevolent attacks on your supposed privacy.

Think about it. You call the other side “zombies” because they act like they don’t have a brain, and they unquestionably accept everything they are told by the media. But, every time you hear the media or the politicians say something, you think, “Is that true, or not?”, and then you waste hours reading all the opinions and facts to determine what is actually the truth.

Really, you should simplify your life and just accept this censorship stuff and believe every thing you are told, like the smart people do. Think about all that time you could save and use it for more important things, like fantasizing about how smart you will sound when you ceaselessly repeat (word for word) what the media told you.

OK, that’s pretty much all the benefits of censorship. But, it’s awesome, right?

So, now, I’ll explain how this censorship thing will work, once we finally come to our senses and accept it.

By now, everyone should realize how social media might suppress certain political beliefs, and how some internet search engines might censor sites they don’t politically approve of, to give you more “relevant” search results. The dictionary meaning of “relevance” is “being closely connected or appropriate ”. So, if your views are different than the ones you are told to have, then your views are obviously not closely connected or even appropriate. The goal of relevance, therefore, is to direct you towards the proper views and opinions. In the new censored America, we will apply that concept to every part of our lives.

Imagine if you wanted to go try that new mom & pop taco place, and set your GPS to their address. But, your GPS, being programmed for “relevance”, thinks, “Old pop posted some disinformation on social media. I’m not taking this guy there. I’ll take him to some place more relevant, like that politically-correct franchise ice cream place.” And then, on your way, your (programmed for relevance) cellphone places a mobile order. Not vanilla or chocolate, that might be racist. Right? Something rainbow, probably.

See how well that worked out? You didn’t even have to make any decisions. It was all done for you. And, your meal was obviously more “relevant”.

And speaking of your phone. You decide to text “I love you” to your mom. But, your phone says, “That phone number was tracked to a Trump rally, six years ago. I must direct this text to a more relevant number.” So, your phone sends it to your ex-girlfriend. You know, the one who constantly blabs on social media about how your life is falling apart without her, and you were such an idiot for dumping her.

So, who’s the idiot now?

Yeah, it’s still you, bro. Just embrace it.

“Relevance” will be bestowed upon us through a great many methods. Our TVs could protect us from irrelevant documentaries. Our libraries, online or physical, could and should protect us from all the irrelevant thoughts lurking in the shadows, waiting to ensnare us and suck out our brains. And sometime in the future, the media could tell us exactly what to think, and ….oh, never mind.

Now, I think, why should relevance be confined to devices that tell us stuff? Why not apply relevance to any machine that serves us? We could have relevance programmed into our appliances to, say, use less electricity. Conserving energy is what “they” want, so that makes it relevant, right? So, like, your refrigerator could run for two weeks, and automatically shut off for two weeks. No, your food would not spoil, because your phone is ordering all your food, and your GPS is ordering you to go pick it up. Rainbow ice cream. Yummy.

And, I’m thinking, why not just program our computers and phones to shut down if we ignorantly persist in nurturing disinformation or irrelevance? And shut down our cars if we attempt to drive to some forbidden taco place. And our credit cards could simply refuse to allow us to buy “irrelevant” items, kind of like some online payment systems do now.

By now, I hope you’re beginning to see the utopia of censorship. By just accepting what we’re told, and believing what we’re demanded to believe, life becomes so simple. No decisions to make, no worries, no cares. And we’re happy, happy, happy. It’s kind of like being a child all over again.

And, the truth is, we are probably not even capable of knowing what is really relevant in our lives, and what is not. We need to be told this stuff. We need to have relevance bestowed upon us by the all-knowing gods of relevance. And, we need to be protected from our own disinformation.

And we really, really need rainbow ice cream.

WARNING- do not read 10 Steps to Saving America. It is all irrelevant disinformation.