Global Warming: The Christian Apocalypse Copycat

Pretty much everyone in America has an end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it belief. Though there are many different views on how this might happen, many religions teach us that the end could come soon. Here are several reasons why the global warming/climate change/extreme weather/whatever is nothing more than a religion preaching an end-times apocalypse.

1. Like many of the world’s religions, believers of global warming say that the end could occur very soon, or at least in the near future.

2. The end of the world is the result of man’s sin. Many religions believe the end-times apocalypse will result from man’s sin against their God. The global warming apocalypse results from man’s sin against Mother Earth.

3. Shepherds of most religions stress a need for repentance. The global warming belief also says that man must turn from his sins, and make atonement.

4. Like other religions, the global warming cult has national holidays, during which believers participate in some sort of ritual designed to lead them in repentance, and bring them closer to their god (Earth Day, Water Day, World Oceans Day, World Environment Day, etc.).

5, Like other religions, they give great honor and wealth to their prophets of doom.

6. Despite what the global warming alarmists claim that the “scientific consensus” says, the global warming belief, like other end-of-the-world beliefs, has no scientific evidence to support it. Simple faith is required.

7. Like other religions, their prophets of doom use present circumstances as proof that the end is near.

8. Like most other religions, they believe that their group are the elite who will survive the end-times cataclysm.

So, we can clearly see that the global warming movement is simply a faith-based religion. Here is how the, decades old, global warming cataclysm, like many other cults, is directly carved from the 2,000 year old Christian apocalypse belief.

1. The global warming prophets tell us that an earth out of balance will greatly decrease drinkable fresh water supplies. The Biblical apocalypse prophesies a third of the world’s fresh water supply becoming undrinkable (Revelation 8:10-11), and later, all fresh water will be affected (Revelation 16:4).

2. The global warming cult warns us that melting glaciers and rising sea levels, will create worldwide floods, killing many people. The Biblical apocalypse also foretells an end-times flood, sent by Satan to destroy the people of God (Revelation 12:15-16)

3. They tell us that, even though much of the world will experience destructive flooding, the increasing temperatures of earth, caused by man’s sins against it, will cause diminishing water supplies which leads to worldwide droughts. The Biblical apocalypse also foretells droughts being directed against unbelievers (Revelation 11:6; Isaiah 24:1-6).

4. They tell us that global warming will create conditions favorable for plagues in humans to run rampant. The Biblical apocalypse also foretells great plagues in the last-days (Revelation 16:2; 6:8; 11:6).

5. They tell us that climate change will create conditions hostile for the survival of plants and animals, with much of the earth’s plant life being destroyed by extreme weather conditions. The Biblical apocalypse also foretells much plant life being destroyed in this way (Revelation 8:7).

6. They tell us that global warming will create conditions favorable for plagues of crop-destroying insects, which will further lead to worldwide famine. The Biblical end-times prophecies also foretell this (Joel 1:1-2:11).

7. They tell us that global warming will lead to rising ocean temperatures, which will kill much of the ocean life. The Biblical apocalypse also foretells ocean life being destroyed in the last-days (Revelation 8:8-9; 16:3).

8. They tell us that warmer temperatures will cause an increase in the intensity of severe storms. The Biblical apocalypse, foretelling many natural disasters, likewise stressed the increased intensity of them (Revelation 8:5; 16:18-21; 11:13; 11:19; 6:12; Matthew 24:7).

9. They tell us that man’s sins against mother nature will directly cause the air we breath to become harmful or deadly. The Biblical apocalypse warns of judgments directly affecting the air (Revelation 16:17; 8:12).

10. They tell us that global warming will lead to unlivable, or unbearable, high temperatures. The Biblical apocalypse foretold the same thing (Revelation 16:8-9).

11. They tell us that the rising temperatures will create conditions favorable for massive wildfires. The Biblical apocalypse also has foretold fires destroying a third of the trees on earth (Revelation 8:7).

12. They tell us that the scarcity of food and water, and other adverse weather effects will lead to world-wide wars. The Biblical apocalypse also forecasts the same prediction (Revelation 16:1-14; Joel 3:9-13).

13. Global warming alarmists tell us that over half of the world’s population will eventually be destroyed by the effects of climate change. We are told, in the 2,000 year old Christian apocalypse teachings, that at least half the world population will be destroyed (Revelation 6:8 + Revelation 9:15).

The global warming cult is so closely modeled after the Christian apocalypse, that a great many Christians have no trouble readily accepting it. Though the global warming cult is carved from the Christian apocalypse, it is not Christian, but actually anti-God. Like many other cults, it perverts the word of God to place itself above all religions. Concerning Biblical truth, here’s where the global warming cult perverts scripture:

1. The last-days destructive weather is punishment from God (Isaiah 51:6, 13:13; Revelation 20:11). It is not man-made or a retaliation of mother nature (Deuteronomy 4:19).

2. Man does not control the destiny of earth. Mankind can make the world unusable, but not uninhabitable (Leviticus 20:22). (See also- America’s Fall In Prophecy)

3. While the earth remains, seasons will always continue (Genesis 8:22). (See also- The Ice Age, Global Warming, Climate Change, And The Antichrist)

4, Man cannot make himself extinct (Ecclesiastes 1:4; 2 Peter 3:10-13).

5. God is in control. When He finished creation on the 6th day, He gave mankind everything needed for all time, with nothing more needing to be created (Genesis 1:31). Man’s actions, and man’s efforts, cannot destroy or save the earth. The global warming cult simply tries to make mankind the god of the earth. (See also- Why Conservatives Don’t Believe In Global Warming)